Why is it important to know the source of the information?


Content provided from World Health Organization (WHO) - Since traditional, complementary and alternative medicines remain largely unregulated, consumers worldwide need to be informed and given the tools to access appropriate, safe and effective treatment.

The Internet offers an ideal way to discover the latest in alternative medicine treatments. Web sites can be updated at any time to keep up with new products, therapies and advances in the field. But beware — the Internet can also be one of the greatest sources of misinformation. Carefully investigate each alternative medicine site you visit...

According to a study in the Sept. 17, 2003 issue of the, "Journal of the American Medical Association," of 433 complementary and alternative medicine Web sites examined, most made misleading or unproven health claims about the herbal remedies they sold.

Live Healthy Naturally  provides in most instances three (3) respected sources of information independent of each other, one of which may support the topic, and one of which may debunk the topic.  In doing this, we provide varying analogies so that you can make an informed decision.  For your convenience our renown references are noted for each topic, and is accessible within our website.

Occasionally, some of the reference links that have been provided for your convenience may have been removed by the designated source. However, content can be searched within the referenced website.