
Detox Methods

The following are various detox methods that may be used interchangeable.

Saltwater Flushes Therapy

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Sea-salt or saltwater flushes are promoted for internal cleansing and for treatment of colds, high blood pressure, and other health problems. The drill is to add a teaspoon (or two, depending on the plan you're following) of sea salt or non-iodized salt to one or two quarts of water, drink it, and wait for it to run through you, taking "toxins" with it. Depending on the plan, you do this daily for a week or longer. 

I once tried a flush of half sea water and half fresh water, which did cause a pretty rapid flush (that is, a watery bowel movement within 30 minutes). I am concerned about the sodium load of this and the sea-salt flushes I've seen described online. A single teaspoon of salt gives you 2,400 mg of sodium, more than enough for a day's intake (I recommend limiting your daily intake to 1,500 mg of sodium). - Andrew Weil, M.D. Copyright © Demand Media, Inc.

Time Frame: The length of a saltwater detoxification plan typically lasts from a few days to several weeks. If you are fasting, 24 to 48 hours of water cleansing is appropriate. The Homemade Body Cleanse website recommends doing a saltwater flush every morning for one week while following a diet of small portions of fruits, vegetables and other light foods. Some dieters extend the cleanse beyond one week by reducing the frequency of saltwater flushes to once every two days. This prevents health problems associated with prolonged cleanse diets.

Features: Prepare your saltwater detox beverage by adding 2 tsp. of unrefined sea salt to 2 qt. of warm water. If you find the drink unpalatable, add a small amount of lemon juice to the beverage to improve its taste. Drink the entire 2 qt. at once. Homemade Body Cleanse recommends drinking the saltwater flush each morning before eating solid foods.

Considerations: Drinking a saltwater detox beverage rapidly stimulates bowel movements. You will likely empty your bowels within one to three hours. The Master Cleanse website reports that a saltwater flush results in three to seven bowel movements over a few hours. Prepare for the saltwater detoxification by staying close to a bathroom. After 15 min. without a bowel movement, it is generally safe to continue your regular daily activities.

Benefits: A saltwater detoxification clears your digestive system of excess waste. This typically results in your body shedding several pounds. Self Growth states that a saltwater flush improves energy levels, reduces cold symptoms, detoxifies the gut, freshens breath and improves skin complexion. You may feel less fatigued and experience an improved mood.

Warning: A saltwater detoxification can be dangerous to your health. Your organs effectively neutralize dangerous toxins and eliminate waste without the need of a special detoxifying diet. The Mayo Clinic warns that a detoxification plan, such as a saltwater flush, can leave your body dangerously dehydrated, causing fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Talk to your doctor before beginning a saltwater detoxification to determine if it is a safe choice for you.


Detox Enemas

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Enemas can work wonders to assist the body to do what it wants to do, but can't always accomplish, under the continual bombardment by the many stressors in our world. Enemas help the body to dump harmful toxins, and fast. In truth, the extraordinary and numerous benefits of coffee enemas may be both under reported and over-criticized.

Garlic Enemas Copyright ©  Demand Media, Inc.

Garlic, also know as alliums sativum, is not only a cooking ingredient, but is also used medicinally to treat various conditions. Garlic enemas traditionally have been used as home remedies for fever, internal parasites and diarrhea. A garlic enema is a non-toxic herbal blend of distilled water and a high-dose garlic concentrate. Always consult with your physician or health care provider before starting any herbal treatment.

Diarrhea Treatment: A garlic enema is an effective treatment for diarrhea. A study headed by G. Fareed, presented at the July 1996 International Conference on AIDS, treated 20 patients twice daily with a high-dose garlic concentrate mixed with distilled water used as an enema. They found a reduction in the number of bowel movements and the treatment was well tolerated in the majority of patients. The major side effect is a strong garlic smell and taste, which caused one patient to withdraw from the study. They concluded that high-dose garlic enemas are an effective treatment for diarrhea in HIV+ patients.

Intestinal Parasite Treatment: Intestinal parasites cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, weight loss and other symptoms. Garlic is used traditionally as a treatment to get rid of intestinal worms and other parasites. It is generally safe way to treat intestinal parasites, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, UMM. Garlic may interfere with other medications and you should consult with your doctor before starting any herbal therapy.

Fever Reducer: Garlic enemas are used to help reduce fevers. Fresh garlic cloves are crushed and the juice extracted. It is then mixed with distilled water and used twice daily to help reduce fevers.

Candida Cure: Candida is a type of yeast infection that can be found in the mouth, vagina or rectum. Proponents of herbal medicine use garlic enemas to get rid of Candida, according to Bee Wilder in an article published in the December 2008 issue of "Nourished Magazine." Start with one clove a day and work up four or five cloves. The cloves are crushed and mixed with water. This mixture is used as an enema.


The Benefits of Coffee Enemas 

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What Coffee Enemas can do for you?
  1. Dramatically reduce toxicity - A 1982 study by the National Research Council (NRC) showed that coffee enemas have the power to reduce systemic toxicity by up to 700 percent. This is because caffeine and other beneficial compounds found in coffee -- when not consumed by mouth and therefore diluted by the digestive tract -- work together to stimulate the liver directly to increase production of glutathione S-transferase (GST), a powerful detoxifying enzyme that binds with, and flushes out, toxins in the body.
  2. Improve digestion - When food is not properly digested, it can become fermented, putrefied or rotted in the colon, producing toxins that are absorbed into the liver. This process is a common factor in the development of health complications, with many complaining of impaired digestion. By increasing bile flow and facilitating the release of toxins from the large intestines, coffee enemas help ensure the body does not reabsorb these harmful chemicals. Plus, more bile means a more alkaline small intestine, which helps to improve the digestive process.
  3. Ease chronic pain - Credit for the discovery of coffee enemas for pain relief go to a nurse in a World War 1 German army field hospital. At a time when painkillers were scarce, the nurse found that by administering enemas to several badly wounded soldiers, they experienced almost immediate relief from what was often profound and persistent pain.
  4. Prevent illness - The deep cleansing and detoxification effects of routine enemas not only help to heal existing health conditions, but they also help the body to perform its innate healing functions more easily. A properly functioning internal environment is less susceptible to the development of chronic or degenerative illness.
  5. Boost energy  - Because of its particularly powerful detoxifying effects, coffee enemas essentially transform the tired sluggish body overburdened by toxicity into a cleaner, clearer more effective eliminator. The impacts of this dramatic shift are palpable and can leave a person feeling "high", with more energy, and greater mental clarity. Copyright ©  Metabolic Healing

The major benefit of the coffee enema, according to Dr. Gerson, is to enhance the elimination of toxins through the liver.  Indeed, endoscopic studies confirm that the coffee enema increases bile output.              

To test this idea, a patient was given a coffee enema while an endoscope (a thin tube with a camera on the end to view the intestine) monitored the entrance to the common bile duct.  Within minutes of administering  the enema, bile flow increased.                 

Increased bile flow also alkalinizes the small intestine and promotes improved digestion.  Coffee also acts as an astringent in the large intestine, helping clean the colon walls. A common contributor to ill health is the production and absorption of toxins within the small and large intestines.  If food is not digested properly, sugars ferment and protein putrefies or rots.  Both processes generate toxic chemicals, which are then absorbed into the liver.                 

The coffee enema enhances digestion by increasing bile flow and removes toxins in the large intestine so they will not be absorbed.  Most people with health complaints suffer from impaired digestion and excessive production of toxic substances in the intestines.   

Coffee enemas are particularly helpful for slow oxidizers.  Their liver activity is more sluggish and digestion is usually impaired.  Fast oxidizers may have more difficulty retaining the enema. 

Hints Regarding Enemas:

  • Remember, you will do best if you have a bowel movement before doing the coffee enema.

  • If intestinal gas is a problem, some exercise before the enema may eliminate the gas.

  • It is not essential but is helpful if the water fills the entire colon. You can assist by first lying on your right side for 5 minutes, then on your back for 5 minutes, and then on your left side for 5 minutes.

  • If water will not flow around the entire colon, you may gently massage your abdomen. Some people attach a 30-inch colon tube to the tip of the enema tube, and insert the tube so the water will reach the right side of the colon.

  • If the enema makes you jittery, reduce the amount of coffee.
    The enema may lower your blood sugar. If so, eat something just before or after taking the enema.

If you have trouble holding the enema, here are suggestions.

  • Be patient.  Practice makes perfect.

  • The water may be too hot or too cold.  Be sure the water temperature is comfortable.

  • It may help to place a small pillow or rolled up towel under your buttocks so the water flows down hill into your colon.

  • If trouble continues, try reducing the amount of coffee or add 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses to the water.

How Often and How Long? I usually suggest one enema per day to assist detoxification or to enhance liver activity.  Two enemas daily may be taken during a healing reaction if needed.  For those who are very ill, several a day may be best for at least several months.  (Dr. Gerson, by the way, used six coffee enemas daily for cancer patients.)                   

For best results, a program of coffee enemas should be carried on for at least a month. They should not be needed for more than two to five years, although many people have continued to take them for a number of years without problems.  

The best time to take the enema is after a normal bowel movement.  One will get a slight rush from the caffeine, but it is not like drinking coffee, which I do not recommend.  Coffee enemas taken in the evening may interfere with sleep.

If performed properly, coffee implants do not cause habituation, constipation or any rectal problems.  In over 28 years of practice, I have rarely seen significant problems from coffee enemas if they are done properly, according to the instructions.                 

The exception is if there are significant hemorrhoids, rectal fissures or other rectal problems.  In these cases, extra care is needed in inserting the enema tip. Some people with hemorrhoids find enemas irritating and cannot do them.  This is one of the few contraindications for coffee enemas.  While enemas may seem uncomfortable, many clients report the procedure is so helpful they soon forget the inconvenience.

Materials Needed:

Step 1 - Buy a 2-quart enema bag with a clamp. This is sold at drug stores. The enema/douche bag combination is easier to use because you can close the top.

For the easiest coffee enemas, buy the coffee from S.A. Wilson.  Here is the link:  You can any brand of regular coffee - regular grind or flaked, non-instant and not decaffeinated, but some people have trouble retaining the coffee and the S.A. Wilson coffee works much better for them.  Organically grown coffee is best, though any coffee will do.  Store opened coffee containers in the freezer for maximum freshness.  The S.A. Wilson coffee advertised specially for coffee enemas is great, but not necessary.

Step 2 - Preparation of coffee: There are three methods. The first two are a little better, but any of these will work.

The boil method - Place 2 to 3 cups of purified water and one-half to two tablespoons of coffee in a saucepan and bring to a boil (or use a coffee maker to percolate the coffee quickly).

NOTE: The first time you do a coffee enema, use only 1 teaspoon, NOT TABLESPOON, of coffee.  This is critical because some people are sensitive to caffeine and will feel very jittery on more coffee.  After a few enemas, you will see how much coffee you can tolerate comfortably.  Ideally, increase to two tablespoons per enema.

Let it boil 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and allow it to cool. One or two ice cubes may be added to speed the cooling process.  You may make a larger quantity and use it for several enemas.

Techniques to speed up cooling the boiled coffee: 

ü   Boil only a little of the water with the coffee.  Once it has boiled, add the rest of the water to the coffee mixture to cool the entire amount down to body temperature.      

Pour the coffee mixture back and forth several times through the air from one container to another, even from the enema bag back into a cool pot.  This will also cool it much faster. NOTE: Body temperature feels hot when you place your finger in it.  If the water is too hot or too cold, retaining the enema will be more difficult.

Only when the mixture is about body temperature, strain the liquid through a fine strainer or coffee filter paper into a clean enema bag.  Screw on the top of the enema bag.  The enema is now ready.

Using a coffeemaker - This is more convenient for some people than the method above.  The coffee does not come out quite as strong, so you may be able to use a little more coffee.  Simply place the water and ground coffee as above, but use a coffee maker.
To cool the coffee after it percolates, you may leave it in the cup for a few minutes, or start with only half a cup of water and add room temperature water to the coffee after it is percolated.

The non-boil method - This is not quite as powerful but may be used if time is very important:

ü   Place 1 cup of ground coffee in a container with 2 cups of water. Stir the mixture thoroughly and allow it to soak overnight.

In the morning, filter the liquid through coffee filter paper or a fine strainer. Place in a jar for storage in the refrigerator.

To prepare an enema, pour 2 cups of purified water into the enema bag. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of the coffee liquid from the jar. Copyright © · All Rights Reserved · Gerson Institute

A very important part of the Gerson Therapy is frequent detoxification of the tissues and blood. This is accomplished through a variety of means, first and foremost through the use of coffee enemas. The enemas are said to widen the bile ducts of the liver so toxins can be released. According to Dr. Gerson, the liver is further overworked as the treatment regimen breaks down cancer cells and rids the body of toxins. Pancreatic enzymes are given to decrease the demands on the weakened liver and pancreas to make enzymes for digestion. An organic diet and nutritional supplements are used to boost the immune system and support the body as the regimen cleans the body of toxins…

The scientific basis for the use of coffee enemas is well documented, and can be obtained from the Gerson Institute. Patients report that the enemas decrease pain and hasten healing. Biologically, enzyme systems of the gut wall and liver are stimulated, and bile flow is increased. This has been shown to enhance the body's ability to eliminate toxic residues from environmental, chemotherapeutic, and other sources.


That treatment program, devised by New York physician Nicolas Gonzales, is currently the subject of a five-year study funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), an arm of the National Institutes of Health. Coffee enemas are just one element of Dr. Gonzales' program, which also involves administration of pancreatic enzymes orally, taking up to 150 pills per day (a variety of dietary supplements) and a diet that emphasizes fresh, raw fruits, raw and lightly steamed vegetables and vegetable juice. The study is a small one, which probably means that it won't reveal whether coffee enemas or any other single element of the treatment plan are particularly useful for detox.

While there is no medical evidence showing that coffee enemas are useful, there have been reports of infections, dangerous electrolyte deficiencies and death as a result of excessive use of them, especially when combined with fasting. Coffee taken rectally can also be strongly stimulating and can produce dependence, just like coffee consumed in the usual manner. - Andrew Weil, M.D.


Colon hydrotherapy (colonic irrigation) is a body-based hydrotherapy treatment. During a colon hydrotherapy session, water is gently introduced into the large intestine through the anus in a controlled manner by a qualified therapist or self-administered under the guidance of a qualified therapist.  The purpose of colon hydrotherapy is to achieve the optimal bowel function through the restoration of fluid, matter and gas balance, removal of excess wastes and exercise to the large intestine for the benefit of assisting absorption, assimilation and elimination which is instrumental in maintaining health and wellbeing of the body and mind.

(Self-administered unsupervised or unguided introduction of water into the large intestine of any nature cannot be described as colon hydrotherapy and falls into broad category of enemas).

Link to Colon Health for additional information...


Exercise Detox Therapy

Exercise has significant influence on detoxification: 

  • It speeds up removal of toxins through perspiration.
  • Stimulates removal of toxins through deep breathing
  • Stimulates metabolism – uses up stored body fat
  • Transports oxygen and nutrients to your cells while it carries away toxins and waste to your elimination organs
  • Reduces stress by increasing body oxygen levels
  • Regular exercise improves digestion and elimination   Copyright © Demand Media, Inc.          

Exercise is important for staying healthy. It keeps muscles strong, burns calories, maintains flexibility, increases aerobic capacity and offers a pleasurable endorphin release. An added benefit, and one not often discussed, is that exercise actually helps your body to detoxify itself.

Why Exercise is Good For Detoxification: Exercise is an important part of any detoxification program. Moving the body creates the conditions for the body to breathe, stretch and circulate and sweat. It is a good idea to drink lots of water during a detox period, so the skin can sweat and the kidneys can effectively filter toxins. By increasing your water intake, as well as increasing your heart and breathing rate, your body can more effectively flush out unwanted toxins, fats and waste.


How Exercise Detoxifies the Body: Exercise helps the body's organs of elimination to function optimally simply by getting them going. Moving the body helps to circulate both blood and lymph. The more they circulate, the more the liver and lymph nodes can do the job of cleansing and purifying the blood and lymph. 

The digestive system works well and more regularly with consistent exercise. When you exercise you breathe deeply with your lungs. The oxygen that you breathe in travels though the blood to the brain and muscles. The lungs increase their capacity as the heart muscle grows stronger, and they produce and give off carbon dioxide as a waste product of aerobic exercise. The skin is cleansed from the inside out by the cleansing process of perspiration. Many toxins can be eliminated through the skin by sweating. 

Another way exercise helps to detoxify the body is by reducing the body's subcutaneous fatty tissue. Toxins get stored in the fatty tissue of the body. Therefore, when fatty tissue is reduced as a result of aerobic exercise, the toxins are released and can be eliminated through the cleansing organs


Types of Exercise for Detox: Gentle, low-intensity aerobic exercise is good for detox since it gets the body moving, heart pumping and the lungs breathing deeply but within the fat-burning zone. Running, walking, bicycling, dancing and swimming are examples of aerobic exercise. Try to exercise at a pace at which you can breathe evenly and carry on a conversation. Yoga poses are also beneficial because some are specific for detoxifying certain organs. Some types of yoga, Pilates and martial arts involve an aerobic component as well. 

Rebounding (bouncing on a mini-trampoline) is especially good for exercising during detox because the low-impact motion allows for excellent stimulation of the lymph system. For best results pick a form of exercise that you enjoy and start slowly. Exercise for at least 20 minutes two to three times per week. © Heart MD Institute. All rights reserved

Exercise is a key element of healthy aging. Not only is exercise important for weight maintenance, it helps us prevent degenerative illnesses associated with a sedentary lifestyle, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, arthritic aches, respiratory problems, and depression. Exercise makes us feel good and ultimately improves and preserves both physical and mental function. Engaging in light-to-moderate aerobic activity for 30-60 minutes per day increases our metabolic capabilities, while lowering levels of insulin and inflammatory chemicals. Additional benefits include preservation of musculature, stronger bones, flexible joints, and emotional stress release. Exercise also promotes detoxification through the bowels, lymph, and, if we break a sweat, the skin…

By sweating, whether during moderate exercise, or in a steam room or far-infrared sauna, we release toxins stored within our subcutaneous fat layer. As strenuous exercise causes excess oxidative stress, passive sweating techniques are preferred. Moderate exercise, however, does stimulate the lymphatic and digestive systems to move toxins through and out of the body…

Please Link to Lifestyle Section (Exercise as Medicine)


Sauna  Therapy - © Copyright  | Stram Center for Integrative Medicine | All Rights Reserved

Therapeutic Far Infrared saunas support patients during their cleanse.  Low temperature infrared saunas help to mobilize and eliminate toxins and chemicals from your system in a thorough, but gentle way. The sauna promotes lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fat tissue. Toxins, which are stored in fat tissues, are released into the blood stream and can then be eliminated from the body through normal routes of elimination such as the skin, urinary and digestive systems.

Theses saunas also increase heart rates and circulation - its like working out without exerting your muscles. Higher temperature saunas such as those found in health clubs can often stress the body, which limits the detoxification process

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Infrared saunas are a great option, and can significantly expedite the detoxification process. It heats your tissues several inches deep, which can enhance your natural metabolic processes. It also enhances circulation and helps oxygenate your tissues.

Your skin is a major organ of elimination, but many people do not sweat on a regular basis. This may be due to wearing synthetic or tight clothing that does not breathe. Sedentary living and sun damage also inactivate your skin. Repeated use of the sauna slowly restores skin elimination, which can help reduce your toxic load quite significantly. But not only will it help rid your body of heavy metals and chemicals, it will also help kill off viruses and other microbes—even cancerous cells, according to Dr. Clement.

"And it's not only us saying it; it's also mainstream medicine in other places, where money is not as important as people," he says.

The difference between an infrared sauna and the traditional Finnish-style saunas is that the latter heats you up from the outside in, like an oven. The infrared sauna heats you from the inside out.

How to Use an Infrared Sauna - First, if you've never taken a sauna before, you only want to spend a few minutes in there—about four minutes tops, according to Dr. Clement. Then, for each subsequent sauna, add about 30 seconds, and slowly work your way up to somewhere between 15 to 30 minutes. The reason for this is because the detoxification process can in some cases be severe, depending on your toxic load… Dr. Clement's general sauna recommendations are as follows:

  • Infrared sauna: 160-180 degrees Fahrenheit, for 15-30 minutes

  • Regular (Finnish, or moist) sauna: 180-190 degrees Fahrenheit, for 10-20 minutes

"What's interesting is you'll actually detoxify more, if you have a choice, with the infrared sauna," he says. "And infrared saunas, if you went out to buy one, are far less expensive than the normal saunas today.

Types of Toxins Expelled when Using Saunas - According to Dr. Clement, infrared saunas help release every type of toxic contamination you have in your body; most notable of which are mercury and lead. However, calcium is another. We're not talking about natural calcium here, but the types of calcium added to many processed foods that your body cannot process. Dr. Clement's book Supplements Exposed addresses the problem with many nutritional supplements and fortified foods.

"[Most supplements] are made out of petrochemicals, and coal tar, and turpentine—Vitamin E is an example," he says."What happens is that if you look at calcium, the two most common, 88 percent are made either out of oyster shells that are totally indigestible, or chalk, which is a known carcinogen! Now, this is insanity, and how we allow this is corrupt, but we won't get into that today.

… All that calcium that you consume… that your body cannot process, lodges inside of your muscles. A lot of these muscular diseases we have today, and painful diseases, like fibromyalgia [can be due to this.]"

Other contaminants being eliminated include drugs and environmental chemicals that you're exposed to.

Integrating Other Detoxification Techniques with the Infrared Sauna - You can also boost the detox effect by getting a massage while in the sauna. Minerals can also be beneficial, especially electrolytes.

"The three electrolytes that you need to take when you're taking saunas, and certainly the type that Dr. Yu is employing… are calcium, magnesium, and potassium… These should be whole food ionic forms…. Basically, these are mandatory if you're going to take saunas," Dr. Clement says.

Steam baths are great for detoxifying your water-based organs. So if you have lung, kidney, or bladder problems, a steam bath with some essential oil can be beneficial. "Any discomforts or disorders that you have in those organs, that's the best way to go," Dr. Clement says.

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(The principles outlined below were excerpted from Dr. Sherry Roger’s book "Detoxify or Die") Dr. Rogers, M.D., Northeast Center for Environmental Medicine - internationally known expert in environmental medicine and author of many books including “Detoxify or Die”, and “Tired or Toxic?” 

General Rules for the FIR Sauna: Start using the sauna at 100°F, in short 10-20 minute increments at first, building up a feel for your body's tolerance. Use less heat if you feel discomfort initially. Older, sicker, or folks who feel initial discomfort should proceed at a much slower pace and even lower temperatures. The far infrared sauna wavelength penetrates 1-1/2 inches into the body, generally enabling chemicals to come directly out of subcutaneous fat storage sites into sweat. This avoids a worsening of symptoms seen when high heat saunas pull chemicals out of safe storage, then directly into the bloodstream on their way to the sweat. For once the chemicals are in the bloodstream, you can duplicate some of your worst old symptoms.

If you suspect you've had severe poisonings that may create serious withdrawal symptoms as you mobilize chemicals, go at a slower pace. For example, if you used cocaine or heroin and did crazy things while on it, you may want someone in attendance with you as you go through mobilization and dumping of these unpredictable drug residues. Even though the far infrared method is much safer and does not generally precipitate symptoms, I've learned after 32 years in medicine that there are always exceptions to any rule.

If you are pregnant, have metal parts in your body, take important medications whose levels should not change (like insulin, seizure or heart medications), or are within 48 hours of an acute injury (still in the swelling phase), definitely check with your doctor. In fact any time you embark on a health program, his/her input should be included in your decision-making.

It is a good idea to get a complete physical from your doctor when you discuss your sauna plans. If you are on any medications, sauna may help you detoxify and get rid of important drugs too quickly, thereby changing your blood levels. For some drugs this is not desirable, or you may need to have blood levels of the drug drawn, or have other parameters that are affected by the drug monitored.

I suggest you take your blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate, weight and pulse rate, assessing its regularity before and after the first few saunas. If you are fragile, check them every 10-15 minutes while in the sauna. It is just good sense to have a blood pressure cuff (sphygmomanometer), stethoscope and thermometer around the house anyway. Any neighborhood nurse, local firehouse ambulance personnel, pharmacist, or your doctor's nurse, etc. can show you how to use them. 

If you are very apprehensive, start with 10 minutes daily at 100-110 F. Then slowly advance over the weeks to an hour. After you tolerate this, you may wish to slowly advance to 130 F. However, many people stay below 120 degrees Fahrenheit indefinitely. There is no need to go higher. This is not a contest. Some folks start out at 140 degrees Fahrenheit, and as soon as they sweat within 10-15 minutes, then they drop the temperature down to 100,110 or 120, wherever they are comfortable. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, you can stop or just open the door and towel off, cool down for a few seconds and then close the door again.

If you cannot attain any of this in one session, no problem. You may leave it at what you tolerate or get out, shower off toxins, and sauna again in the same or next day. Remember to keep drying off the sweat with a towel. While in the sauna, sometimes just opening the door for a bit or turning down the temperature is enough to allow longer exposure. For folks who are in a hurry to get well, but whose bodies do not let them sauna for more than 15 minutes in the beginning, they may elect to fool the body and do 15 minutes 2-4 times a day.

You must stop at any time that you experience headache, nausea, fast heart rate, weakness, irregular heart rate (if this is not a symptom you normally have), shortness of breath, dizziness, disorientation, muscle cramps, muscle spasms or twitching, or any adverse symptom. Use a tepid shower to cool down slowly without shocking the system. The symptoms of heat stroke (dry and/or cold skin) are more dangerous and require immediate removal and 1-3 tsp. of Tri-Salts with plenty of water. Include a retention water enema (1 tbs. of Tri-Salts in 2-4 cups of water) as well. Unless you had a mineral and fatty acid analysis before you entered, no one knows what nutrient deficiencies you started with. Anything borderline can be accentuated or made dramatically worse with the losses sustained with any sauna. 

Remember the average American diet only provides 40% of the magnesium a person needs in a day. So everyone is low to begin with. Sauna will only make it worse. Magnesium is the main mineral to be lost in the greatest amount in sweat. Zinc and calcium are a close second for the most commonly lost minerals, then all the other minerals and nutrients follow. So since most people already start out with multiple deficiencies, especially magnesium, it is imperative to compensate for the accentuation of losses incurred by forced sweating. You'll see I will give you lots of sources for fast, efficient absorption of magnesium later on.


Hydrotherapy & Bath Therapy   

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Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of disease. The use of water for therapy has been around for hundreds of years, as far back as the ancient Greeks and Romans, and forms an integral part in many traditional medicine systems. Learn why it is so beneficial for your health.

How Does Hydrotherapy Work? The healing properties of hydrotherapy are based on its mechanical and/or thermal effects. It makes use of the body’s reaction to hot and cold stimuli, to the protracted application of heat, to the pressure exerted by the water, and to the sensation of the water itself. Nerves carry what is felt by the skin deeper into the body, where it is then vital in stimulating the immune system, influencing the production of stress hormones, improving circulation and digestion, encouraging the flow of blood, and lessening the body’s sensitivity to pain.

Generally speaking, heat is used to quiet and soothe the body, and to slow down the activity of internal organs. Cold is used to stimulate and invigorate, increasing internal activity within the body…

Types of Hydrotherapy: Under the general heading of hydrotherapy, there are several techniques. These include baths and showers, neutral baths, sitz baths, contrast sitz baths, foot baths, cold mitten friction rub, steam inhalation, hot compresses, cold compresses, alternating hot and cold compresses, heating compresses, body wrap, wet sheet pack, and salt glow.

External hydrotherapy involves the immersion of the body in water or the application of water or ice to the body, while temperature-based hydrotherapy involve the different effects of hot or cold water on the skin and underlying tissues. Hot water relaxes muscles and causes sweating, and is used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, poor circulation, and sore muscles.

It can be used in combination with aromatherapy. Cold water hydrotherapy is used to stimulate blood flow in the skin and underlying muscles. Temperature based treatments include the application of moist heat or cold to specific parts of the body. The application of moist heat is called fomentation, and is used for conditions such as chest cold, flu, or arthritis. Cold compresses or ice packs are used for sprains, headaches, or dental surgery. Body packs are used to calm psychiatric patients and for detoxification.

Sitz baths are where the patient sits in a specially made tub that allows the lower abdomen to be submerged in water that is a different temperature to the water around the feet. These baths are recommended for hemorrhoids, prostate swelling, menstrual cramps, and other genitourinary disorders. Motion-based hydrotherapy uses water under pressure such as in a spa, to massage the body and is commonly used for muscle or joint injuries as well as for stress and anxiety. Internal hydrotherapy includes colonic irrigation and enemas. Steam baths are also a form of internal hydrotherapy.

Hydrotherapy is used to treat many illnesses and conditions including:

  • acne
  • arthritis

  • colds

  • depression

  • headaches

  • stomach problems

  • joint, muscle, and nerve problems

  • sleep disorders

  • stress

It is also commonly used for relaxation and to maintain a person’s state of health. Hydrotherapy is also excellent for reducing or relieving sudden or long-lasting pain.

The benefits of hydrotherapy include:

  • dramatically increasing the elimination of waste, thus assisting detoxification

  • loosening tense, tight muscles and encouraging relaxation

  • increasing the metabolic rate and digestion activity

  • hydrating the cells, improving skin and muscle tone

  • boosting the immune system, allowing it to function more efficiently

  • improving the function of the internal organs by stimulating their blood supply

Contraindications for Hydrotherapy: Cold baths should not be used for young children or the elderly. Sauna baths should be avoided by people that suffer from heart conditions.

Bath Therapy

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Magnesium is the second-most abundant element in human cells and the fourth-most important positively charged ion in the body, so it's little wonder this low-profile mineral is so vital to good health and well being. Magnesium, a major component of Epsom Salt, also helps to regulate the activity of more than 325 enzymes and performs a vital role in orchestrating many bodily functions, from muscle control and electrical impulses to energy production and the elimination of harmful toxins.

The National Academy of Sciences, however, reports that most Americans are magnesium deficient, helping to account for our society's high rate of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive maladies and stress-related illnesses, chronic fatigue and a host of other ailments. The Academy estimates the average American male gets just 80% of the magnesium required for good health, while females get only 70% of their recommended levels. Nutritionists say Americans' magnesium levels have dropped more than 50% in the past century.

Better health through soaking

Magnesium can be ingested as a nutritional supplement, but studies show that a wide variety of factors - the presence of specific foods or drugs, certain medical conditions, even the individual chemistry of a person's stomach acid - can interfere with their effectiveness. But all of the subjects in a recent study experienced increased magnesium levels from soaking in a bath enriched with magnesium sulfate crystals, commonly known as Epsom Salt.

Researchers and physicians report that raising your magnesium levels may:

  • Improve heart and circulatory health, reducing irregular heartbeats, preventing hardening of the arteries, reducing blood clots and lowering blood pressure.

  • Improve the body's ability to use insulin, reducing the incidence or severity of diabetes.

  • Flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate harmful substances.  

  • Improve nerve function by regulating electrolytes. Also, calcium is the main conductor for electrical current in the body, and magnesium is necessary to maintain proper calcium levels in the blood.

  • Relieve stress. Excess adrenaline and stress are believed to drain magnesium, a natural stress reliever, from the body.

  • Magnesium is necessary for the body to bind adequate amounts of serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of well being and relaxation.

While increasing your magnesium levels, Epsom Salt also delivers sulfates, which are extremely difficult to get through food but which readily absorb through the skin. Sulfates serve a wide variety of functions in the body, playing a vital role in the formation of brain tissue, joint proteins and the mucin proteins that line the walls of the digestive tract. Sulfates also stimulate the pancreas to generate digestive enzymes and are believed to help detoxify the body's residue of medicines and environmental contaminants.

Magnesium - the key component of Epsom Salt -- performs more functions in more systems of the human body than virtually any other mineral, including regulating the activity of more than 325 enzymes.

Studies show that magnesium is:

  • An electrolyte, helping to ensure proper muscle, nerve and enzyme function.

  • Critical to the proper use of calcium in cells.

  • An aid in helping to prevent heart disease and strokes by lowering blood pressure, protecting the elasticity of arteries, preventing blood clots and reducing the risk of sudden heart attack deaths.

Medical research also indicates that magnesium may:

  • Increase the effectiveness of insulin, helping to lower the risk or severity of diabetes.  

  • Reduce inflammation and relieves pain, making it a beneficial in the treatment of sore muscles, bronchial asthma, migraine headaches and fibromyalgia.

Although magnesium can be absorbed through the digestive tract, many foods, drugs and medical conditions can interfere with the effectiveness of this deliver method. Therefore, soaking in an Epsom Salt bath is one of the most effective means of making the magnesium your body needs readily available.

Rejuvenating Detoxifying Bath: For soaking: Add two cups of Epsom Salt to warm water in a standard-sized bathtub. Double the Epsom Salt for an oversized garden tub. Popular for easing muscle pain and fading bruises. Bathe three times weekly, soaking for at least 12 minutes.

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Hot and cold baths have been used for centuries and some of the benefits they bring include: increased energy, increased circulation, detoxification, and the clearing of negative energy. An easy way to replicate the spa experience of alternating hot and cold baths, and the primal experience of jumping from hot springs to cold rivers, is to simply alternate hot and cold water in your shower.

It's best to start with hot and after a few minutes to use a blast of cold for a minute. Then use hot water again, repeat several times, and end your shower when you're ready. The hot should be hot and the cold should be cold - in fact, as long as you're not scalding yourself: the hotter the better and the colder the better. This can be done daily, but if you're clearing a negative energy dump or if you need more powerful detoxification, it can be done several times a day…

The extremes of hot and cold water cause your muscles to expand and contract which offers gentle detoxification as toxins are squeezed from your muscles. It also improves circulation and the benefits of improved circulation shouldn't be underestimated. When your body has poor circulation, it's impeded in delivering fresh blood to all areas of the body. As a result, the body can't cleanse the blocked and stagnant areas regularly - and toxins, filth and disease accumulate in these oxygen and fresh blood deprived areas…

Cold water, it should be noted, holds a magic of its own. Cold water has more oxygen in it than hot water, and therefore has an alkalizing and detoxifying effect. Plus, cold water is known to wipe away negative energy from our bodies. And there's a negative energy component to most disease - particularly where cancers or tumors are located. Using cold water can help remove the energy that's binding the filth in certain locations and when that energy is gone, the filth can more easily be moved out of your body - where it truly belongs.


Fasting Detox Therapy

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Excerpts from the Miracles of Fasting. The Key to Internal Purification:  Remember that all those inorganic chemicals must be passed out of your body or they can cause great damage. If the body's Vital Force drops too low then it can't force these inorganic chemicals through your eliminative systems then they remain in the body and can cause grave health damage in the future!

If we are to get these poisons out of our bodies we must fast. By fasting we give our bodies a physiological rest. This rest builds Vital Force. The more Vital Force we have, the more toxins are going to be eliminated from the body to help keep it clean, pure and healthy…

In our opinion, the greatest discovery by modern man is the method to rejuvenate himself physically, mentally and spiritually by fasting. Man can create a quality of agelessness and with fasting, can prevent premature ageing and a premature death!

The Safe, Perfect Cleanser:  Of course, if you are loaded with toxic poisons, fasting will flush these poisons out of the body and you will feel a little uncomfortable, but these are momentary experiences and should cause no concern. This means only that fasting is working for you…

Fasting – A Natural Instinct and Great Purifier: ...Every animal in the wilderness knows fasting, for it's the only method animals use to help overcome any physical trouble that befalls them. This is pure animal instinct. We humans have lived so long in this soft civilization that we have lost this natural instinct to fast when health problems occur in our bodies.

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Historical records tell us that fasting has been used for health recovery for thousands of years. Hippocrates, Socrates, and Plato all recommended fasting for health recovery. The Bible tells us that Moses and Jesus fasted for 40 days for spiritual renewal. Mahatma Gandhi fasted for 21 days to promote respect and compassion between people with different religions.

For much of human history, fasting has been guided by intuition and spiritual purpose. Today, our understanding of human physiology confirms the powerful healing effects of fasting.

Fasting is a powerful therapeutic process that can help people recover from mild to severe health conditions. Some of the most common ones are high blood pressure, asthma, allergies, chronic headaches, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease), irritable bowel syndrome, adult onset diabetes, heart disease, degenerative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, acne, uterine fibroids, benign tumours, and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Fasting provides a period of concentrated physiological rest during which time the body can devote its self-healing mechanisms to repairing and strengthening damaged organs. The process of fasting also allows the body to cleanse cells of accumulated toxins and waste products.

Fasting gives the digestive tract time to completely rest and strengthen its mucosal lining. A healthy intestinal mucosal lining is necessary for preventing the leakage of incompletely digested proteins into the bloodstream, thereby offering protection against autoimmune conditions. A healthy digestive tract also helps to protect the blood and inner organs against a variety of environmental and metabolic toxins.

A fast that is appropriate for your situation will allow for you to experience some or all of the following:

  • More energy

  • Healthier skin

  • Healthier teeth and gums

  • Better quality sleep

  • A clean and healthy cardiovascular system

  • A decrease in anxiety and tension

  • Dramatic reduction or complete elimination of aches and pains in muscles and joints

  • Decrease or elimination of headaches

  • Stabilization of blood pressure

  • Stronger and more efficient digestion

  • Stabilization of bowel movements

  • Loss of excess weight

  • Elimination of stored toxins

  • Improvement with a wide variety of chronic degenerative health conditions, including autoimmune disorders ©  National Health Association. 

Physiological Benefits of Fasting:  Fasting can be thought of as a period of profound rest, during which time your body is free to rapidly undertake a wide variety of beneficial physiological activities, some of which are described below…Fasting has a long and important history.

Neuroadaptation:  Fasting helps your taste sensors adapt to a low salt intake.  By allowing your body to “neuroadapt” to low salt food, fasting rapidly facilitates the adoption of a health- promoting diet.  This process of neuroadaptation appears to take place more rapidly during fasting than merely eating a low salt diet.

Enzymatic Recalibration: During fasting your body induces enzymatic changes that can affect numerous systems ranging from detoxification of endogenous and exogenous substances to the mobilization of fat, glycogen and protein reserves.  These changes seem to persist after the fasting process, which may explain some of the dramatic clinical changes seen in patients after fasting.

Weight Loss: Although fasting is not generally recommended as a primary weight loss strategy, weight loss is a predictable consequence of fasting. Most people average a loss of approximately one pound per day over the course of a fast. (When weight loss is your primary concern, a health- promoting diet coupled with exercise is usually your best approach.)

Insulin Resistance:  Fasting appears to have a profound effect on insulin resistance, which is thought to be intimately involved with diabetes and high blood pressure. 

Detoxification:  Fasting is generally thought of as a tool to facilitate detoxification, promoting the mobilization and elimination of endogenous substances such as cholesterol and uric acid and exogenous substances such as dioxin, PCBs, and other toxic chemical residue.

Naturesis:  Water-only fasting induces a powerful naturetic effect, which allows the body to eliminate excess sodium and water from your body.  This process allows for the resolution of chronic problems with edema and helps reduce the in-creased blood volume associated with high blood pressure.

Sympathectonia:  Hypersympathectonia (increased tone of the sympathetic nervous system) is thought to be associated with many problems ranging from digestive disturbances to anxiety disorders.  Fasting appears to have a profound normalizing effect on the overall tone of the autonomic nervous system.

Reducing Gut Leakage:  When chronic inflammation involves the intestinal mucosa, a condition arises whereby small particles of incompletely digested foods can be absorbed into the blood stream.  This introduction of foreign peptide molecules to the blood stream may stimulate an immunological cascade of effects collectively known as gut leakage.  In genetically vulnerable individuals, gut leakage may be associated with the aggravation of numerous clinical entities including arthritis, colitis, asthma, allergies, and fatigue.

Reference - – International Natural Hygiene Society

Covers Topics On:

  • Fasting "Cures" Stomach Diseases        

  • Fasting in Chronic Disease

  • Therapeutic Fasting


One of the most common complaints of the sick is that they have "lost their appetite". They seem to imagine that this is a terrible affliction. Quite the reverse is true however. In the majority of cases Nature takes away the appetite because a fast is needed. They do not know that the greatest blessing to them would be to "lose their appetite" long enough to find their hunger.

Loss of appetite is simply an indication that the system is overcharged with pathogenic matter and that Nature is trying to stop the eating long enough to give these clogging, benumbing or irritating accumulations a chance to escape from the system, or it may be that the digestive organs are too weak to take care of large quantities of food.

However, the laity for ages has been encouraged by the medical profession in the idea that to lose the appetite and miss a few meals is a great calamity; that this must be prevented by taking powerful stimulants in the form of appetizers and tonics. These serve to create a false and artificial appetite and cause the sufferer to stuff the weak stomach with more food, while that taken in previous meals is fermenting and putrefying, filling the system with noxious poisons.

Many people are learning the trick of curing their colds, headaches, nervous spells and other acute troubles, by missing a few meals or taking a short fast. It is the quickest, simplest and most efficient method of relieving the overloaded, food poisoned system… - International Association of Hygienic Physicians

The International Association of Hygienic Physicians (IAHP) is a professional association for licensed, primary care physicians (Medical Doctors, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, and Naturopaths) who specialize in Therapeutic Fasting Supervision as an integral part of Hygienic Care.  A comprehensive list of practicing physicians is located here and can be used to find a Hygienic Physician in your local area.


Enzyme Detox Therapy

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Animal versus Plant Enzymes - Plant enzymes are much more stable over a wider pH and temperature range. The stomach is very acidic whereas the small intestine is more alkaline. This is why plant enzymes can work effectively in the stomach, whereas animal-derived or pancreatic enzymes cannot. Most pancreatic enzymes need to be enterically coated to survive the stomach environment. …If you take plant enzymes, most plant enzymes are quite stable in the stomach environment and go to work. This gives the plant enzymes an edge on digestion over animal/pancreatic enzymes. Plant enzymes can be working on food for at least an hour before the food proceeds to the small intestine.

Where Enzymes Work in the Gut - This is an important consideration when considering enzymes… Anything that disrupts the small intestine may also disrupt the production and release of these enzymes. If you have a leaky gut, inflammation, yeast, or something else which hampers the small intestine, then you are likely to also have trouble digesting the foods these enzymes work on. Another strategy is to take measures to proactively heal the gut. A direct way to heal the gut is with digestive enzymes, but there are also other supplements that help too. Enzymes help heal the gut for a number of reasons that have been proved clinically.

Enzyme Safety

No known toxicity has been demonstrated at any level of enzyme dosing in animal studies or in humans.


Breathe Detox Therapy Copyright © by William Donald Kelley, D.D.S.

Breathing exercises should follow the cleansing of the nostrils. If done on a regular basis, these yield tremendous benefits. They increase the body’s supply of oxygen (which is the basic currency for repair and for burning up toxins), step up the removal of waste products and stagnant air from portions of the lungs otherwise unused, and exercise the diaphragm — which serves as a pump for the flow of oxygen and nerve energy.

Deep breathing yields a multitude of benefits through maximum use of lung capacity.

Rapid breathing is an energizing exercise, which promotes flow of energy into the lungs and digestive organs. It should be done before meals, after being in a stuffy room, or whenever a lift is needed.

Alternate-nostril breathing has a calming effect on the nervous system. It can be used effectively to overcome anxiety states and insomnia, and sometimes to relieve headaches.

Breath is the external manifestation of our life force. It is our very life. We can live for a while without food or drink, but not without breath.

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Super Power Breathing Detoxifies and Purifies Your Blood:  Shallow breathers self-poison themselves. When you are a shallow breather, you don't change the air at the base of your lungs, where two-thirds of your lung capacity is located. When you return impure blood to your body, the ill effects are compounded because you blood cannot perform properly. It is difficult for blood that is loaded with poisonous wastes to transport the relatively small amount of oxygen, which it absorbs; it is even harder for it to carry the necessary nourishment from food.

An inadequate oxygen supply impairs your body's ability to break down food into digestible elements. This slows all bodily function. This is why deep breathing is so important for health!
With wrong diet and shallow breathing, the organs of elimination are overworked and underfed! But the accumulation wastes must go somewhere. Some are discharged into the sweat glands. This toxic overload produces unpleasant body odors. Other toxic wastes end up deposited as heavy mucus into the sinus cavities, lungs and bronchial tubes. Some line the passages of the ears, eyes, nose and throat, as well as along the digestive tract…

Shallow breathers actually poison themselves by robbing their bodies of sufficient oxygen! This is autointoxication (self-poisoning). They are slowly suffocating and dying in their own body wastes and poisons. Pneumonia is a good example; the body and lungs fill up and drown in their own toxins and mucus. - copyright ©  World Research Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

The Occidental teachings show that physical health depends upon correct breathing. The Oriental teachers not only admit that their Occidental brothers are right, but say that in addition to the physical benefit derived from correct habits of breathing, people’s mental power, happiness, self-control, clear-sightedness and even their spiritual growth may be increased by an understanding of the Science of Breath.

The yogi practices exercises by which he attains control of his body and is able to send to any organ or other part of his body an increased flow of vital force or ‘prana’ (vital life force), thereby strengthening and invigorating that part or organ. Oriental teachers know all that the Western teachers knows regarding the physiological effect of correct breathing, but they also know that the air contains more than oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, and that something more is accomplished than the mere oxygenating of the blood. The Oriental knows something about ‘prana,’ of which his Western brother is ignorant, and he is fully aware of the nature and manner of handling that great principle of energy, and its effect upon the human body and mind. He knows that by rhythmical breathing one may bring himself into harmonious vibration with nature, and aid in the unfoldment of his latent powers.

This great principle is in all forms of matter and yet it is not matter. It is in the air, but it is not the air nor one of its chemical constituents. Animal and plant life breathe it in with the air, and yet if the air did not contain it not they would die even though they might be filled with air. It is taken up by the system along with the oxygen, and yet is not the oxygen.  In Genesis we read about, ‘the breath of the spirit of life,’ which some philosophers would say describes prana.

If we think of prana as being the active principle of what we call vitality, we will be able to form a much clearer idea of what an important part it plays in our lives. Just as oxygen is utilized in the blood system so is the supply of prana utilized by the nervous system. Prana is exhausted by our thinking, willing, acting and etc., and because of this constant replenishing is necessary. Every thought, every act, every effort of the will, every motion of a muscle, uses up a certain amount of what we would call nerve force, which is really a form of prana. To move a muscle the brain sends out an impulse over the nerves and the muscle contracts because of the available prana. It is again important to remember that the greatest portion of prana that people acquire comes to them from the air they inhale. This is why it is of the greatest importance that proper breathing is readily understood. The Yogis classify respiration into four general methods:

  • High Breathing
  • Mid Breathing
  • Low Breathing
  • Yogi Complete Breathing

High Breathing is known in the Western world as Clavicular Breathing or Collarbone Breathing. A person breathing in this manner elevates the ribs and raises the collarbone and shoulders, at the same time drawing in the abdomen and pushing its contents up against the diaphragm, which in turn is raised. The upper part of the chest and lungs, which is the smallest, is used, and consequently but a minimum amount of air enters the lungs. This high breathing is the worst form of breathing.

Mid Breathing is also known as Rib Breathing, or Inter-Costal Breathing, and while less objectionable than High Breathing, is far inferior to either Low Breathing or to the Yogi Complete Breath. In Mid Breathing the diaphragm is pushed upward, and the abdomen drawn in. The ribs are raised somewhat, and the chest is partially expanded.

Low Breathing as a form of respiration is far better than either of the two proceeding forms, and many Western writers have extolled its merits and have exploited it under the names of Abdominal Breathing, Deep Breathing, or Diaphragmatic Breathing. Although many Western authorities write and speak of this method as the best known from of breathing, the Yogis know it to be but a part of a system they know as The Complete Breath.

The Yogi Complete Breath includes all the good points of High Breathing, Mid Breathing and Low Breathing, with the objectionable features of each eliminated. It brings into play the entire respiratory apparatus, every part of the lungs, every air-cell, every respiratory muscle. The entire respiratory organism responds to this method of breathing and the maximum amount of benefit is derived from the minimum expenditure of energy. The chest cavity is increased to its normal limits in all directions and every part of the machinery performs it natural work and functions.

One of the most important features of this method of breathing is the fact that the respiratory muscles are fully called into play, whereas in the other forms of breathing only a portion of these muscles are so used. In Complete Breathing, among other muscles, those controlling the ribs are actively used, which increases the space in which the lungs may expand, and also gives the proper support to the organs when needed.

Another aspect of the Yogi Science of Breath is to learn how to breathe through the nostrils, and overcome the common practice of mouth breathing. Through the nostrils comes health and strength and through the mouth disease and weakness.

 Link Mind-Body Techniques For Additional Breath Therapy


Raw Food Therapy  ©  National Health Association. 

Cancer Protection:  Close to 300 case-controlled studies have shown a protective effect of vegetable consumption against cancer, and cruciferous vegetables have the most powerful anticancer effects of all foods.  Studies have shown eating fresh fruits, beans, vegetables, seeds, and nuts reduces the occurrence of cancer. Compounds derived from cruciferous vegetables are our best defense against cancer-causing chemicals in the environment. They inactivate chemical carcinogens before the initiation of cancer can occur, and they enable the removal of these substances from our tissues by a synergistic enhancement of detoxifying enzyme activity. They also can block the formation of tumors initiated by chemicals in lab animals and kill cells that have demonstrated DNA damage, protecting against noncancerous conditions, such as fibroid tumors, as well.

Cruciferous vegetables help detoxify carcinogens and other toxins, rendering them harmless. They also up regulate the liver’s ability to remove toxins, remove free radicals, prevent oxidative and DNA damage in cells, transform hormones into beneficial compounds inhibiting hormone-sensitive cancers, enhance and protect against the age-related loss of cellular glutathione, and enable cell death in cells that have abnormal mutations and DNA damage.2

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The Raw Gourmet book and website offer breakthrough information from successful author and life style coach Nomi Shannon, author of The Raw Gourmet. Learn Proven steps to regain your health, and Simple Recipes for Living Well by Nomi Shannon is designed to answer all your raw food questions.

Find advice, motivation and support from others on the raw and living food diet!


Juicing Therapy © Copyright  Alternative Medicine Direct. All rights reserved.

Juicing is capable of giving your body extra nutrients with out destroying all the enzymatic qualities of the foods.

One of the key factors of juicing is the ability of the natural enzymes in the vegetables and fruits to assist the body. Enzymes are destroyed by heat. When you eat cooked foods, whether its meal, grains, fruits, or vegetables, if the food is cooked at temperatures above 114 degrees, the enzymes have been destroyed by the heat. Since fruits and vegetables are juiced raw, the enzymes are still viable when you drink the juice.

Since plants produce phytochemical, there are many benefits to juicing that include breast cancer, cancer of the colon, esophagus, stomach, lungs, ovaries, and rectum - pick and ailment these days, it seems, and researchers somewhere are searching for chemicals in plants that will prevent them, or offer a cure.  These plant chemicals, known as phytochemicals, are the cutting edge of nutritional research because they hold the keys to preventing some of our most deadly diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, as well as some of our most common, like asthma, arthritis, and allergies.

The phytochemicals that researchers have uncovered are changing the way we think about food, especially fruits and vegetables, for example, broccoli contains a substance that may prevent - even cure - breast cancer. Citrus fruits have substances that make it easier for your body to remove carcinogens, thus decreasing the chance of contracting cancer. Grapes contain a phytochemical that appears to protect each cells' DNA from damage. Similarly, a number of green vegetables contain phytochemicals that appear to offer protection against cancer-causing substances. The list goes on and on…  This site offers over 40 juicing recipes.


Why Juice? Juicing helps you consume more vegetables than you could eat on most days. Why not just eat the vegetables and fruit? The latest nutritional guidelines indicate that we need more veggies and fruit than most people can eat in a day—between 9 and 13 servings of vegetables and fruit (2 or 3 servings of fruit; 7 to 10 servings of vegetables)—to stay healthy depending on age and activity level, with an emphasis on dark green, leafy vegetables and red and yellow vegetables and fruit. Most people don’t come even close to getting those numbers of servings every day. Juicing can make it possible to reach the goal of a minimum of 9 servings a day without requiring a lot of time. 

Benefits of Juicing: Fresh juice offers health benefits nothing else can match. Not only does juice provide your body with water and easily absorbed protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients, it also provides a substance that’s more difficult to measure that is present in raw foods – biophotons, which are light raws of energy absorbed by the plants.

Light energy is found in the living cells of raw foods such as fruits and vegetables. Uncooked plants have been shown to emit coherent light energy when photographed (evidenced in Kirlian Photography). This light energy is believed to have many benefits when consumed; one in particular is to aid cellular communication. It’s also believed to contribute to our energy and a feeling of vibrancy and well-being.

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  • 100% juices are nutritious, either naturally or when fortified, with nutrients such as vitamin C, calcium and vitamin D.
  • 100% juices are fat-free and are rich in vitamins, minerals and naturally occurring phytonutrients that contribute to good health.
  • Phytonutrients are compounds in fruits, vegetables and other plants that researchers find have disease preventative and disease fighting properties.
  • Phytonutrients in 100% juices are not listed on the Nutrition Facts panel.
  • 100% juices are considered nutritionally rich or nutrient-dense foods since they offer multiple nutrients (vitamins, minerals and naturally occurring phytonutrients) in each ½ cup serving.
  • Hundreds of studies have demonstrated that the nutrients found in 100% juices offer health benefits. Copyright ©  Healthline Networks, Inc. All rights reserved 

Juicing involves the extraction of juice from raw fruit or vegetables. An extractor, fresh produce, and a commitment of time to juice the items are required. A blender isn't strong enough to juice raw produce, and extractors are priced from about $120–2,000. Juice should be consumed as soon as possible after extraction because when it's stored, juice loses its nutritional value.

BENEFICIAL JUICES: While most people know that orange juice is rich in vitamin C, the juice of other produce is believed to provide additional health benefits. The wide selection of juices offers benefits that include the following:

  • An 8-oz (240 ml) glass of carrot juice contains more than 10 times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.

  • Fresh fruit and vegetable juices, including wheatgrass juice, are consumed for ulcers. Ulcer remedies include raw potato juice for peptic ulcers. For a duodenal ulcer, raw cabbage juice can be mixed with carrot and celery juice.

  • Cranberries help prevent and treat urinary infections.

  • Beet juice can be diluted to stimulate the liver.

  • Garlic lowers the blood pressure and cholesterol.

  • Cantaloupe juice can be consumed for stress.

Benefits: Research has shown that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables reduces the risk of such diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Furthermore, raw vegetables and fruit contain vitamins, food enzymes, minerals, amino acids, and natural sugars. Some of those benefits may be lost when commercial juice is purchased because juice sold in stores is pasteurized, which results in the loss of some nutrients. Fresh juice's benefits extend beyond its nutritional content, according to juice therapy advocates.

Proponents of juice therapies continue to study its benefits. In 2002, a physician reported to the American College of Cardiology that two cups of orange juice daily significantly lowered the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. A British study in the same year verified the positive effects of cranberry juice on urinary tract infections.


Juice is used in Ayurvedic treatment for such conditions as arthritis, anemia, and constipation. Juice is also a component of naturopathy, which is also known as the "whole body cure." A naturopathic doctor may prescribe a juice fast.

Supporters of fasting believe that the process releases a hormone that helps the body fight disease. A juice fast will strengthen the immune system, according to adherents. It may be part of naturopathic treatment for conditions including arthritis, cancer, and AIDS. The fast also allows the naturopathic physician to identify food sensitivities (allergens) as the patient begins eating food.

Juice therapy is part of the Gerson diet, a cancer therapy said to eliminate the buildup of toxins in the body by stimulating enzymes, improving the digestive system, and providing the correct balance of vitamins and minerals...

Theory/evidence: Juice therapy is based on the idea that optimal nutrition does not take much time or energy to digest. Proponents of juice therapy believe that the body has more energy to devote to healing and repairing if it does not have to digest a meal that is high in fat and protein. 

Proponents also believe that juice can help repair the body since fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and natural sugars. In addition, juices contain an abundance of alkaline elements, which may help to normalize the acid-base balance in the blood and tissues.

Specific juices have been used for certain ailments. For example, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes and spinach are used to treat acne. Grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, celery, carrot, lettuce and spinach are reported to help patients with arteriosclerosis. Sour cherry, pineapple, sour apple, lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, beet, carrot, potato, lettuce and spinach are used to treat arthritis. Lemon, pineapple, peach, carrot, radish and celery are used to treat asthma. However, more research is needed to draw firm conclusions about the beneficial health effects of juice therapy.

Safety: Juice therapy is not for everyone. Patients with medical conditions such as diabetes or hypoglycemia should not start the juice diet without careful medical supervision. Consult a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions regarding a fast or diet.

Precautions: Some caution should be taken with each form of juice therapyJuicing removes much of the necessary dietary fiber found in fruits and vegetables. Since an adult diet should contain 20–25 g of fiber per day, a person should find other sources of fiber. Another caution is that carrot greens, rhubarb greens, and apple seeds can be toxic and should not be juiced.

Some health professionals advise against fasting, a process they say can produce weakness, fatigue, anemia, and other disorders. Other health professionals believe that fasts are safe but should not be undertaken by pregnant women, people who are diabetic, and those who have ulcers or a heart condition. In some cases, the doctor or practitioner may advise a super-vised fast.

Author Information - This information has been edited and peer-reviewed by contributors to the Natural Standard Research Collaboration ( © by  All rights reserved.

Fresh fruit & vegetable juices have been shown to possess remarkable health-promoting properties and has been used for centuries by naturopaths to help treat a range of ailments.

Freshly squeezed juices contain naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and enzymes which are far better than synthetic tablets. The nutrients are easily absorbed into the bloodstream and within ten minutes they are nourishing cells. The juices can be used in two ways:

  • As a supplement to a normal diet- A typical supplementary juice regimen calls for 3 to 4 eight-ounce glasses per day, taken throughout the day.

  • As a substitute for solid food (a "juice fast") - Juice therapists advocate juice-only fasts to cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Such fasts are also a good way to detect an unsuspected food allergy. They provide minimal calories and little fat or protein.  © National Health Association. 

The National Health Association (NHA) maintains that foods should be eaten in their whole natural state to enjoy maximum nutritional benefit. We counsel against ascribing to the juicing of fruits and vegetables as a cure-all or substitute for whole foods. Juicing should be viewed primarily as a lifestyle pleasure, and not a daily regimen. However, we recognize that juicing of fruits and vegetables can be a healthy, enjoyable pleasure.

Juice Recipes

Juicing for Health Benefits: Looking for a juice that could help with a specific health benefit or could help with an ailment? Find the juice recipe that's tailored to you by sorting the juice recipes by health!

In-depth info on Vegetable and Fruit Juices:


· 21 fruits you can juice

· 54 vegetables you can juice

· 57 sample recipes for you to try

· Comprehensive nutritional analysis's


3-Day Detox Cleanses - Harpo, Inc., All Rights Reserved 

3-day-jumpstart-cleanse - Nurturing your digestive system and “cleaning the gut” is one of the most important things you can do for your health. That’s why Dr. Alejandro Junger, the “Father of Detox,” developed his 3-day jumpstart cleanse, which jumpstarts your gut and gets your energy back for good!

What Should I Eat During This Cleanse? First things first, during this cleanse, you should avoid gluten, dairy, processed sugar, caffeine and alcohol. This will allow your body to heal itself so you can get your energy back.

In order to maximize your gut’s ability to digest food, Dr. Junger warns against mixing too many different types of food. He believes it can overload the digestive system. Each food type requires different enzymes in order to be digested; mixing too many together at once may cause poor digestion. If you overload your gut with too many different types of food, you could be engaging in what Dr. Junger calls “food dumping,” which can lead to exhaustion and ruin the efficiency of your digestive system.

As you plan your meals for the 3-day jumpstart cleanse, Dr. Junger has several rules that can help you avoid food dumping. After the first 3 days, you can continue to eat this way if you notice a positive change.

First, Dr. Junger wants you to pair veggies with grains, beans or animal protein. This is because vegetables don’t require special enzymes for digestion, so you can pair them with another food group pretty easily. Your body won’t be expending any additional energy on digesting the vegetables versus the grains, beans or animal protein

Second, you should not pair animal protein, grains or beans together. Since each of those food types require different enzymes for digestion, eating more than one type can burden your digestive system.

Third, for the 3-day jumpstart cleanse, Dr. Junger recommends a multi-enzyme before every meal. It eases digestion for every meal, and you’ll automatically be taking a load off your gut to allow it to heal and restore itself.

Check out Dr. Junger’s Jumpstart Cleanse shopping list.

Dr. Oz's 48-Hour Weekend Cleanse: For a detox diet to truly work, you need to maintain these three key organs (liver, colon and kidneys) and by nourishing your body with the right nutrients. Dr. Oz’s 48-Hour Weekend Cleanse is based upon eating certain “detoxifying” foods that will keep these systems running smoothly. The plan couldn’t be simpler to follow so you’re not always focused on what to eat next. You'll need to prepare and eat the following meals and snacks two days in a row.

Click here for - 48-hour-weekend-cleanse-shopping-list


Probiotic Therapy - ©  Bastyr Center for Natural Health

Probiotics Prevent Chronic Intestinal Infection: Chronic or recurrent intestinal infection in people who have had their colons surgically removed can be prevented with the use of a probiotic supplement, according to a study published in Gut (2004;53:108–17).

The makeup of microorganisms in the colon has a profound impact on overall health. Inflammation, the presence of nonhealthful or disease-causing microorganisms, or the use of antibiotics can disrupt colonies of healthful bacteria normally in the colon. Probiotics are supplements of beneficial bacteria that have been proven to effectively restore normal bacterial colonies, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria and other microorganisms and increasing immune function. It has been suggested that probiotics might prevent as many as 50% of infections resulting from antibiotic therapy.

For Additional Information Click Here


Lemonade Cleanse Therapy Copyright ©   All rights reserved

Lemons and limes are the richest source of minerals and vitamins of any food or foods known to man, and they are available the year round. Thus the diet may be used successfully any month of the year and virtually any place on earth. Its universal appeal and availability make it pleasant and easy to use.

The lemonade diet first proved itself in the healing of stomach ulcers over forty years ago. Many other cases of ulcers followed with the same constant results in only ten days. Numerous other disorders were also corrected during the ten-day period in person after person.

As a reducing diet it is superior in every way to any other system because it dissolves and eliminates all types of fatty tissue. Fat melts away at the rate of about two pounds a day for most persons— and without any harmful side effects…


  • To dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in any part of the body.

  • To cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system.

  • To purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body.

  • To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles.

  • To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels.

  • To build a healthy blood stream.

  • To keep youth and elasticity regardless of our years. 


  • When sickness has developed— for all acute and chronic conditions.

  • When the digestive system needs a rest and a cleansing.

  • When overweight has become a problem.

  • When better assimilation and building of body tissue is needed.

AND HOW OFTEN?: Follow the diet for a minimum of 10 days or more— up to 40 days and beyond may be safely followed for extremely serious cases. The diet has all the nutrition needed during this time. Three to four times a year will do wonders for keeping the body in a normal healthy condition. The diet may be undertaken more frequently for serious conditions. Link to detailed instructions - - pdf


...The Master Cleanse operates on the principle that, for disease to be addressed, cleansing must be undertaken. Simplifying and correcting disorders through this process is actually a way of correcting every disease. Developments in nutrition and science have clearly identified improper diet, negative mental attitudes and inadequate exercise as the factors that create the conditions to produce toxin build up over time.

That is why the Master Cleanse is not an end to itself. It is actually just the tip of a long chain of healthy decisions of those who wish to undertake it. Observing a healthy diet, regular exercise as well as stress reduction is essential in maintaining the gains that the Master Cleanse Detox diet can offer.

People who have undergone organ transplants as well as those immune suppressant drugs cannot take the fast. Woloshyn warns that the cleanse stimulates the immune system while effectively inhibiting the results of the drugs, this combination will most likely lead to the organ transplant being rejected by the body. © WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

The Lemonade Diet has been around for more than 50 years. Its popularity soared several years ago after Beyonce announced she'd lost 20 pounds on the diet for the movie Dreamgirls .

The late Stanley Burroughs developed the Lemonade Diet, which is also known as the Master Cleanse or Maple Syrup Diet, as a detoxification and fasting program. It's now also touted as a quick weight loss plan. 

The severe plan involves drinking a lemon juice concoction, and not eating any food, for up to two weeks. 

Of course, weight loss is inevitable when you stop eating and drink very few calories. But this kind of diet can also be dangerous to your health. Nutritionists point out that the Master Cleanse Diet plan is lacking in all the essential nutrients: calories, vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat.   

What You Can Eat: No solid foods are allowed, nor are any supplements. You consume only the Master Cleanse elixir to keep you hydrated. The plan calls for you to drink 6 or more servings daily of the lemonade drink. The only other options are a "salt water flush" of 2 teaspoons salt mixed in a quart of water in the morning, and an herbal laxative tea at night, if needed.

A single serving of the Master Cleanse drink consists of:

  • 2 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons grade-B organic maple syrup
  • 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 10 ounces filtered water


After following this fast for 4-14 days, dieters are urged to slowly ease back into eating solid food, starting with items such as vegetable soup, followed by fruits and vegetables...

Experts' Views: Dietitian Melinda Johnson, RD, doesn’t see anything positive about this diet plan."There is no scientific evidence that you need anything like this or any other detox program to cleanse your body or help you lose weight," she says...


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